El desafío para la Industria del Caballo en la Argentina es nuevamente
Este año ¿lo lograremos?
Mario López Oliva

jueves, 31 de julio de 2008

video gambling terminals at horse racing tracks throughout the state.

WFIE-TV - Evansville, IN, USA

Lawmaker proposes new gaming in KY

Posted: July 30, 2008 09:53 PM

Updated: July 31, 2008 08:26 AM

By David James
Posted by Mike Mardis

Kentucky State Representative Greg Stumbo says he wants to see video gambling terminals at horse racing tracks throughout the state.

Stumbo says he'll introduce the legislation during the 2009 General Assembly.

Under the bill gambling proceeds would help fund education, reduce taxes on motor vehicles and boats and help the state's horse industry.

Canadian Equestrian Honors New England Excellence Equestrian News Release

Equestrianmag.com - Miami,FL,USA

Canadian Equestrian Honors New England Excellence
Olympian Brings Therapeutic Benefits of Draper Equine Therapy Across Borders

Canton, MA Draper Knitting Company, established in 1856, has a lot to brag about as it is one of the oldest, continuously operating textile mills in the United States. In 2003 the family-run business formed Draper Equine Therapy, a complete line of products for horse and rider. Now, in 2008, the Massachusetts manufacturer can boast of their inter-state, international presence because Draper Equine Therapy has been given the nod of confidence by an equestrian member of the five-part Canadian Eventing Team headed for the Olympics this August.

Together with Colombo, a 1994 bay Swedish Warmblood owned by Elaine and Michael Davies, 27-year-old equestrian Selena O’Hanlon will employ the therapeutic value of the USA-made Draper Equine Therapy Saddle Pad in Beijing, China.

O’Hanlon, based out of Ontario, Canada, first used the Draper Equine Saddle Pad on Colombo at Rolex Kentucky Four Star, an Olympic qualifying event held in March, 2008 in Lexington, Kentucky, USA. Colombo has worn his saddle pad everyday since competing at Rolex. He wears nothing else. O’Hanlon says.

The Saddle Pad is made with smart fiber clinically proven to increase oxygenation by up to 29 yielding therapeutic benefits including increased circulation, accelerated muscle recovery after exertion and decreased pain, soreness, stiffness and swelling. This textile technology was originally used to treat circulatory issues with diabetics and then was adapted for horses and dogs in 2003.

Kristin Draper, President of Draper Knitting, says We are incredibly proud of Selena for accomplishing her life-long dream, and wish her the best of luck.

The therapeutic textile technology and craftsmanship incorporated into the Draper Equine Therapy English Saddle Pad will support Selena as she globalizes this exciting feat in the pandemic world of sports and New England industry.

Find more information about Draper Equine Therapy at http://www.draperequinetherapy.com.

Find more information about Selena O’Hanlon and Columbo at the official website of Canada’s 2008 Equestrian Olympic team, http://www.equinecanada.ca.

Find information about the international governing body for all Olympic equestrian disciplines, Fédération Equestre International, at http://www.fei.org.

Jockeys, Trainers, on Synthetics Panels

BloodHorse - Lexington, KY, USA

by Blood-Horse Staff
Date Posted: July 28, 2008
Last Updated: July 29, 2008

Jockeys, Trainers, on Synthetics Panels
Synthetic surfaces will be the topic of discussion July 29, 2008 at Fasig-Tipton Co. Inc. in Saratoga Springs, New York.
Photo: Benoit
Edited press release

As part of an ongoing analysis into the feasibility of installing synthetic surfaces at racetracks located in New York State, the New York State Task Force on Retired Racehorse has invited segments of the racing industry to a one-day forum to discuss the issues associated with artificial surfaces.

Five moderated panels compromised of jockeys, trainers, track officials, veterinarians, and other industry analysts will be on hand July 29, 2008 at Fasig-Tipton Co. Inc. in Saratoga Springs, New York to provide insight and answer questions from task force members. The Forum is open to the public.

A 13-member Task Force, co-chaired by New York State Agriculture Commissioner Patrick Hooker and New York State Racing and Wagering Board Chairman Daniel Hogan, was established by law last year and has been charged with investigating the feasibility of creating a larger market and alternative employment opportunities for retired race horses, as well as studying the issues surrounding the installation of artificial turf on race courses.

“Safety is now at the forefront of issues affecting the racing industry and it is incumbent upon this task force to undertake a cost-benefit analysis to help determine if these artificial surfaces are the best and safest route for our horses and the jockeys who ride them,” said Hogan.

“If New York wants to continue to offer the best and safest racing anywhere in the world then we need to find ways to help reduce injuries as they arise and keep horses running more productively and safer over time. I look forward to hearing the comments from the racing industry as we move forward in improving our tracks and safeguarding our horses," said Hooker.

The session is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and begins with a one hour panel discussion made up of track officials and superintendents. The four other panels to follow includes one for veterinarians, trainers, jockeys, and industry analysts and researchers. The forum is open to the public.

The program will be offered as an on-demand webcast through a link on the New York State Racing and Wagering Board’s website (http://www.racing.state.ny.us/index.html).

New life for Hialeah Park?

MiamiHerald.com - Miami,FL,USA


An Internet tycoon wants to return Hialeah Park to its glory days and revitalize horse racing at the same time.


A life-sized statue of the horse Citation stands guard outside the Hialeah race track, which has been closed to the public since 2001.
A life-sized statue of the horse Citation stands guard outside the Hialeah race track, which has been closed to the public since 2001.

Hialeah Park, the star-crossed grand dame of horse racing, has an amorous and wealthy new suitor -- but it may not be mutual.

Internet entrepreneur Halsey Minor, who founded CNET.com and last year purchased a 476-acre estate in Colonial Williamsburg for $15.3 million, is interested in buying the shuttered, 220-acre track that once hosted such greats as Sea Biscuit and Citation. He wants to restore the South Florida landmark to its former glory and, in the process, help save the ailing racing industry.

''It's the perfect track,'' said Minor, who shares a passion for horses with his mother. ``It would be a crime to lose it as an institution. It's too beautiful; there's too much history there. How fitting would it be if this grand old track could be part of the rebirth of the sport?''

John Brunetti, a horse owner who bought the track in 1977 because he loved racing, said last week he's had one conversation with Minor and is open to more talks in August. But he also said he has no interest in selling the track, though it has remained closed since 2001 for financial reasons.

''I think he's well-intentioned, but I've just had the one conversation so far,'' Brunetti said of Minor. ``He's like I was -- it's a dream, a hope, to reopen Hialeah for racing. But I don't think he fully understands the politics and all the other things that would go into that.''

Brunetti said he knows first-hand the allure of the historic track, with its iconic flamingos, French-inspired clubhouse and rows of magnificent royal palms.

''Hialeah Park is a little tattered and torn but everyone always talks about how much they love it, what a wonderful and beautiful place it is,'' he said.

Damaged by two hurricanes, the track would need between $25 million and $50 million in renovations to make it usable again, he estimated.

Yet, he said, ''I'm not interested in selling it.'' Nor does he want a partner, he added.

Brunetti has talked for years about developing the property. He's had discussions with Hialeah city officials and has drawn up plans that would save some of the historic buildings but use most of the land for housing. He has said repeatedly that he can't continue to pay property costs that run to at least $1.5 million a year.


Listed on the National Register of Historic Places and named last year to the register's list of America's 11 Most Endangered Historic Places, Hialeah Park, which opened in 1925, has a storied history and blue-blood pedigree.

Miami historian Arva Moore Parks called it an ''architectural and botanical masterpiece.'' Winston Churchill was so moved by it, he uttered a single word of praise: ``Extraordinary!''

None of that protects the property from development. Surrounded by a wall, the track is located in the middle of Hialeah where 79th Street ends. With its easy access to Metrorail, the property could be developed into a housing and retail mix, Brunetti has said.

Hialeah Mayor Julio Robaina said that though he hasn't heard from Minor, he is eager to talk to the Internet tycoon.

''I've been around long enough to know that there are many people who have approached Mr. Brunetti to try to make a deal but haven't been able to,'' Robaina said. ``If this is a deal that would be able to attract people out to the park again, and if there is a plan for the park to regain its beauty, then the city would definitely lend its support however we can.''

A future for the park that involves racing, he said, ``would be a great day.''

That possibility, however remote, has caused a stir among preservationists, too.

''We've all had visions of a Donald Trump or Jorge Perez stepping forward,'' said Alex Fuentes, founder of the Save Hialeah Park citizens group. ``This is even more exciting because this is a guy with a passion for the horse industry. . . . It's like the perfect storm of capabilities and backgrounds to make this really work.''

Architect Richard Heisenbottle, whose firm specializes in historic renovations, said that a recent tour showed the buildings at the track were damaged but still remarkably intact, information he passed on to Minor during a recent discussion.


He described the grounds almost reverentially. ''As you go through the gates, you truly believe you are in a different world,'' he said. ``You have taken a step back in time to the days when horse racing was a grand and glorious experience. Hialeah exudes that ambience, that flair, that wonderful history.''

Minor, 43, is a thoroughbred owner whose horse, Fierce Wind, placed 10th in this year's Florida Derby. Horse racing, he said, needs heroes. It needs excitement and accessibility for average people. He wants people to see the sport as he does, as a real contest for greatness.

''You can't point your finger at any one person, but the institutions collectively are destroying horse racing,'' he said. ``I want to buy my own track, run it the way I want to run it and prove -- or disprove -- that there's a way to rebuild a fan-friendly experience where the fans connect with the horses.''

He has a great appreciation for the historic value of the Hialeah property, though he hasn't seen it in person.

''I've seen every picture on the Web, watched every movie that shows Hialeah Park. I've talked to many people who have seen the track fairly recently,'' he said. ``And I know it's getting more expensive every day to restore it. It's really bumming me out.''

Minor has said he is ''single-minded'' in his intent to save the horse-racing industry by making it more attractive to fans, a vision he has shared with his longtime friend, Bill Farish, chairman of the Breeders' Cup board of directors.

''He has a great passion to make the sport much more fan-based. He wants everyone walking through the turnstiles to get the same experience as a VIP,'' Farish said. ``For the average person, the daily racing form is like Greek. He wants to make it more understandable and build excitement.''


Minor has said Hialeah Park is his No. 1 choice to make his mark on the industry.

``If I don't own Hialeah, I'll find a different place and build from ground up. But, boy, I'm going to do everything I can to get Hialeah Park. There's just nothing else like it.''

Minor has offered, half in jest, to build a statue of Brunetti on the property if he'll agree to a sale.

``I think we have common ground in that we both want to see the industry come back. I just hope that I can appeal to Mr. Brunetti to work with me to use Hialeah Park to begin mouth-to-mouth on the thoroughbred racing industry.''

Miami Herald staff writer Laura Figueroa contributed to this report.

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Horse price 'linked to front legs'

Horse price 'linked to front legs'

The higher a show-jumping horse can tuck up its front legs the higher its price on the international market, scientists have revealed.

Leading bioengineer Dr Sian Lawson has shown that the sale price of a horse is directly linked to how high the animal can tuck its front hoof into its shoulder when it leaps over a fence.

This contradicts previous assumptions that the back leg is the most important feature in a prime show-jumper.

Dubbed the "forelimb tuck", the tuck-up distance can be measured in a three-year-old horse and used to determine how much it is worth.

In the UK, horses are a £3.8 billion industry and with champion horses carrying a price tag of several million pounds, Dr Lawson said the results could have major implications for the world of show-jumping.

"This is not the result I was expecting at all," said Dr Lawson, herself a former professional show-jumper.

"It has always been assumed that the back leg is the most important feature in a show-jumper. The height at which a horse can raise its back leg is innate - that is, it's something the horse is born with.

"Just like some people can do the splits and others can't, so some horses are very flexible and can bring their back legs up much higher than others.

"Conversely, the front leg is not thought to be genetically linked and is very trainable. This means most horses can be trained to develop a good 'forelimb tuck'. What this research has shown is that the trainer is as important as the horse," she said.

The horses used in the study, which was presented at the Sixth International Conference on Equine Locomotion in Cabourg, were all aged between three and five years old and had sold for between 5,000 euro (£3,969) and 60,000 euro (£47,633).

Proyecto de ley eliminaría la retención en grandes beneficios, Bill would eliminate withholding on big payoffs

Bizjournals.com - Charlotte, NC, USA

A bill was introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives Tuesday that would eliminate the automatic 25 percent federal withholding on pari-mutuel winnings of $5,000 or more for bets that carry odds of 300-1 or higher.

The Pari-Mutuel Conformity and Equality Act of 2008 (H.R. 6631) is sponsored by Rep. Charles W. Boustany Jr., R-La.

In a news release from the National Thoroughbred Racing Association, Peggy Hendershot, its senior vice president of legislative affairs, said, “The negative impact of withholding is multifaceted. For the betting public, it has meant a confiscatory and frequently unfair loss of available capital. That loss of reinvestment or 'churn' leads to a reduction in overall wagering that in turn means less revenue generated for state governments, racetracks and purse money for horsemen. Our industry and our fans applaud Congressman Boustany for introducing this important legislation.”

The NTRA is a coalition of horse racing interests consisting of leading thoroughbred racetracks, owners, breeders, trainers and affiliated horse racing associations that is charged with increasing the popularity of horse racing and improving economic conditions for industry participants. It has offices in New York and Lexington, Ky.

therapeutic horseshoe

Trading Markets (press release) - Los Angeles,CA,USA

Jul 29, 2008 - Hy'bred International, Inc. (PINK SHEETS: HYII), a manufacturer of a patent-pending therapeutic horseshoe, announced today the national expansion of the company. Stated Gary Kouletas, Founder and President of Hy'bred, "Financial projections call for $5 million in sales by the second or third year. The potential is vast, with 9 million horses in the United States and 50 million in the world. To reach their owners, Hybred has a marketing agreement with Thoro'bred Inc., the nation's biggest aluminum horseshoe manufacturer." Kouletas spent five years designing and perfecting a horse shoe which has succeeded where others of its kind have failed. Essentially, the company has created a binding process that securely adheres a polyurethane inset to the basic metal horseshoe, thus making the shoe more durable and beneficial to the horse. Hoof injuries are the number one problem in the equine industry, accounting for nearly 90 percent of all potentially serious injuries to horses. The company believes its product to be a cost-effective, practical alternative to traditional equestrian industry shoeing methods.

therapeutic horseshoe

Trading Markets (press release) - Los Angeles,CA,USA

Jul 29, 2008 - Hy'bred International, Inc. (PINK SHEETS: HYII), a manufacturer of a patent-pending therapeutic horseshoe, announced today the national expansion of the company. Stated Gary Kouletas, Founder and President of Hy'bred, "Financial projections call for $5 million in sales by the second or third year. The potential is vast, with 9 million horses in the United States and 50 million in the world. To reach their owners, Hybred has a marketing agreement with Thoro'bred Inc., the nation's biggest aluminum horseshoe manufacturer." Kouletas spent five years designing and perfecting a horse shoe which has succeeded where others of its kind have failed. Essentially, the company has created a binding process that securely adheres a polyurethane inset to the basic metal horseshoe, thus making the shoe more durable and beneficial to the horse. Hoof injuries are the number one problem in the equine industry, accounting for nearly 90 percent of all potentially serious injuries to horses. The company believes its product to be a cost-effective, practical alternative to traditional equestrian industry shoeing methods.

Having a Productive Dark Day

HorseRaceInsider.com - Barrie,Ontario,Canada

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Saratoga Springs, NY, July 29, 2008--I must admit to a certain amount of skepticism, borderline delusional paranoia, when I first heard that the New York Task Force on Retired Race Horses was conducting a fact-finding symposium on the efficacy of installing synthetic surfaces at New York State racetracks.

What does a retired race horses panel have to do with surfaces, anyway?

When I saw how heavily the deck was stacked in favor of the Polytrack, Cushion Track, Tapeta, Pro Ride folks, I was convinced that that was the case. But since it was a dark day after six days of thoroughbreds, I figured that dogs and ponies might make for a pleasant diversion.

And so I went, wearing cynicism on one sleeve and a heart on the other, and must report I see some progress in addressing issues that have driven the sport of thoroughbred racing to the edge of an abyss. To paraphrase Lou Mannheim, a fictional broker in Oliver Stone’s classic “Wall Street,” it’s time for the industry to look into that abyss, find its character, and that’s what will keep it out of the abyss:

It’s called communication. What a concept.

The eight-hour session ran to its past performances when Patrick Hooker, NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets Commissioner, repeated the platitudes that first appeared in a press release, attributed to Task Force Co-Chairman and NYS Racing & Wagering Board Chairman, Daniel P. Hogan. To wit:

“Safety is now at the forefront of issues affecting the racing industry and it’s incumbent upon this task force to undertake a cost-benefit analysis to help determine if these artificial surfaces are the best and safest route for our horses and the jockeys who ride them.”

My cynicism might have been assuaged if installing synthetic surfaces didn’t also make good politics. The sporting public doesn’t understand all the issue and nuances involved. And with 30 percent of the general population wanting to see horse racing abolished, and with a recent House subcommittee chomping at the bit to take aggressive action, some good public relations needs to happen now.

The New York session was open to the public, as opposed to a secret meeting of a few industry leaders some weeks ago in Lexington, Ky., according to the website http://www.paulickreport.com. The leaders apparently have a plan to stave off federal regulation, a rider, with benchmarks, to the Interstate Horseracing Act that permits simulcasting.

Without simulcasting, now accounting for more than four of every five dollars wagered on U.S. horse racing, it’s game over.

Unlike the House subcommittee hearing, which seemed less about fact-finding than political posturing, there was real dialoguing going on at the Fasig-Tipton Sales Pavilion between the Task Force and the five panels, representing track management; veterinarians; trainers; jockeys and researchers. The panels alternated between informing and answering Task Force questions.

Photo by: Toni Pricci
NYRA President, Charlie Hayward
As racetrackers say, it was a good visit. The reason we originally thought it possible for leashes and bridles to be given away as door prizes was because the panels were mostly representatives from pro-synthetic jurisdictions. Either that or they were people known to be synthetic friendly or had an economic interest in the companies manufacturing the artificial tracks. NYRA president Charlie Hayward said, among other things, he had concerns because some of the best companies seemed to be “thinly financed.” But he listened, then he gave testimony.

Hayward had one of the day’s best lines when he eluded a loaded question from moderator Bennett Liebman, Esq., one of racing best and trusted legal minds, Acting Director of the government law center at Albany Law School, who said: “Charlie, I guess you would have liked to have one of those racetracks here last week.”

“I would have liked not to get any rain,” Hayward said to an appreciative audience.

Like everyone who spoke on the topic, Hayward was cautious, had questions about the maintenance of synthetic surfaces, its cost--a recurring theme throughout the session-- and the need for more research. He conceded that while decisions will be based on data, there was an anecdotal component, then offered: “Last year there were fewer breakdowns at Saratoga than there were at Keeneland and Del Mar.”

When asked whether he thought the state should pay for the research, or even the installation of an artificial track, he said, “I just hope that the state finally renews the NYRA franchise and I’d be happy to pay for it myself.”

No one should be surprised that Todd Pletcher came up with a well reasoned compromise that addresses all of it. “We can have all three; turf, dirt and synthetic.”

Pletcher’s far-flung operation has two years of experience with artificial surfaces, having a division at the Hollywood Park Cushion Track and Arlington Park’s Polytrack the last two years. Three of the four sorties were successful, including the preparation of Belmont Stakes winning filly Rags To Riches, but that more study was needed. He thinks it could take 10 years.

“Build a synthetic track inside the two turf courses at Belmont Park,” where the main track takes a beating from the relentless sealing of sloppy tracks during training hours so that the surface would be fast for racing. “Sealing tracks over and over is taking a toll on training in the mornings. Constant sealing damages [the surface], weakens it.”

Pletcher’s thinking is that a synthetic track could be used for training in winter and for washed off turf races, cutting down precipitously on the number of scratches. It also could be used for training year-round, eliminating the need for compacting the main track. “With synthetics you don’t have to worry about rain.”

Everyone in racing acknowledges the positive relationship between turf and synthetic-track form even if all synthetics are not created equal. Pletcher’s suggestion means that NYRA could study the issue first hand, potentially keeping costs down while learning how to maintain the surface and, significantly, see if it really cuts down on catastrophic injuries.

Photo by: Toni Pricci
Leading rider, John Velazquez, listens to Richard Migliore's comments
Johnny Velazquez admits he’s more comfortable riding on synthetic tracks when weather conditions are foul, the rain and mud making it extremely difficult to see, the wet reins making steering problematical. Acknowledging all that, Velazquez is calling for better communication between jockeys, trainers and the tracks.

“Some people don’t want to be told that a track is too fast, be told what to do. We can put our attention into the tracks we do have as opposed to something we don’t know about.” His colleagues and all the trainers agreed on the need for much better maintenance, “a watchdog.” Current track superintendent John Passaro says NYRA doesn’t give him the tools he needs. NYRA, in bankruptcy, says it doesn’t have the money.

Both groups acknowledged each other’s differences and the need to cooperate for the greater good, but there was a glaring contradiction. To a man trainers Mark Casse, Dale Romans, Pletcher and Nick Zito said they’ve never seen any evidence of horses suffering respiratory problems from the surface.

Said Richard Migliore: “I thought I was having an allergic reaction to Pro-Ride. My eyes were getting irritated. There were discussions on and off, where some of the jockeys were talking about wheezing. We talked about it,” was about as far as it went. “When it was hot at Keeneland I was getting nosebleeds,” Velazquez said.

In New York, the jury is still out, but well meaning people were engaged in dialogue, hopefully productive. And that’s all anyone was hoping on a dark Tuesday following a rough first week in Saratoga where attendance and handle figures were a match for the bad weather and poor economy.

But the racing was good. Everyone seemed to want to keep it that way.

Ponen fin de competencia a caballos cortadores

El Mañana de Nuevo Laredo - Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Mexico

REYNOSA.- Los jinetes de la región se lucieron en el cierre de la competencia de invitación de caballos cortadores efectuada en fin de semana en esta ciudad fronteriza.

En la justa celebrada en los terrenos de la Arena Expomex, la premiación por puntos acumulados entre sábado y domingo, el triunfador fue Heriberto Deándar Robinson, quien se hizo a acreedor a una fina montura.

Mientras que en la competencia dominical, la pareja que dominó las suertes en el lienzo estuvo integrada por el doctor Ignacio Pérez Salinas en mancuerna con Ángel Serna, ambos de Nuevo Laredo.

Al final recibieron como premio una preciosa hebilla conmemorativa.

El evento reunió a más de 180 binomios de diferentes partes de la región tamaulipeca. En la jornada sabatina, lucieron la pareja de jinetes que formaron Heriberto Cantú y Enrique García para llevarse el sitio de honor.

Los jinetes cortadores, quienes por lo general montan caballos cuarto de milla, deben mostrar su habilidad para desplazar a un hato de becerros a otro lugar, en un límite de tiempo establecido.

World Championship Paint Horse Show makes another successful two-week run Equestrian News Release

Equestrianmag.com - Miami,FL,USA

FORT WORTH, Texas— The American Paint Horse Association’s (APHA) annual two-week World Championship Paint Horse Show run made its stop at the Will Rogers Memorial Center in Fort Worth, Texas, June 21 through July 5. Dubbed as “the largest Paint Horse show on earth,” the event lived up to its name as it saw 1,289 Paint Horses and 4,021 entries from across the world compete in a record 187 events—164 of which were World Championship classes.

While people from the state of Texas brought the highest number of Paints to the event, others traveled nearly 9,500 miles to attend. Paint Horses and exhibitors from 45 states, Australia, Canada, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Sweden and The Netherlands made the trek in hopes of returning home as a World Champion.

The addition of a second new world-class APHA event shifted some classes traditionally offered at the World Championship Show. APHA will be hosting its first annual Fall Championship Paint Horse Show Nov. 6-15 at Fort Worth’s Will Rogers Memorial Center. With this new competition, all classes specifically for Paint Horses under three years of age were moved to the fall. Moving some events to the Fall Show allowed APHA to add additional classes to the summer line-up. As a result, for the first time ever, APHA offered Novice Youth classes at the event and saw 226 entries in those classes alone.

Along with the Novice Youth entries, the non-qualifying show welcomed 1,178 Youth; 1,377 Amateur and Novice Amateur; 1,063 Open; 152 Futurity and 25 specialty class entries—all competing for more than $400,000 in cash and prizes.

Making it all possible

APHA knows hosting the world’s largest Paint Horse show would not be possible without the generous support, on all levels, from their various sponsors. Event sponsors—Big D Products, Blue Ribbon Custom Tack, Charlotte’s Saddlery, Coors Distributing Company of Fort Worth, Equine Sports Medicine, Hodges Badge Compnay, KC Montgomery Photographics, Kiser Products, Lucchese, Metro Golf Cars, National Reining Horse Association, National Snaffle Bit Association, Paint Horse Journal, Paint Racing, Platinum Performance, Purina Mills, SmartPak, S.R. Gold, Video Horse World and Western Horseman—along with Corporate Sponsors— Barnmaster, Chase Bank, Hart Trailers, Gist Silversmiths, Markel Insurance Company, New Holland and Pfizer Animal Health—provided prize money, buckles, saddles, trailers and various other awards, along with daily entertainment, a training seminar, live video feed and equine nutrition information as part of the show.



Tres oportunidades para cinco potrillos

El próximo domingo 3 de agosto se disputará en el Hipódromo de La Plata el tradicional premio Polla de Potrillos Grupo II donde se ponen en juego 3 grandes posibilidades ya que, esta competencia cuenta tanto en la Serie Rocha de Plata Seniors como en la Triple Corona Rocha de Plata y entrega además un Rocha de Plata Plus en efectivo.

En esta ocasión, los potrillos IBI FIRE, BIGNESS EMPEROR, ELMAS ANDALUZ, AEROESPACIAL y CAPRICHO HEI son los inscriptos y, todos ellos tienen las mismas chances de adueñarse los $12.000 del Rocha de Plata Plus que le corresponderá al que cruce el disco en el primer lugar.

En lo que respecta al premio Rocha de Plata Seniors que otorgará $ 50.000 a quien haya acumulado más puntos al final del semestre, obviamente, el actual puntero, BIGNESS EMPEROR de LA CLARIDAD, que posee ya 8 puntos, tiene una notable ventaja frente al resto de los ejemplares inscriptos. Igualmente, como este Clásico suma 8 puntos al 1º, 5 ptos al 2º, 3 ptos 3º y 1 al 4º continúan todos en carrera.

El tercer premio que se pone en juego este domingo se trata de la 1º Gema del Premio Triple Coronado Rocha de Plata que entrega $ 100.000 al ejemplar inscripto que triunfe en las tres competencias nominadas y finaliza en noviembre de este año. Entre las potrancas ya no hay chances, por lo que veremos que sucede entre los potrillos.

Listado de potrancas: WILFREDO LATHAM

El día martes 5 de agosto se disputará el listado Wilfredo Latham el cual entrega un premio Rocha de Plata Plus de $ 7.000 en efectivo y ofrece 4 puntos al ganador, 2 al segundo lugar y 1 al tercero. De las siete potrancas que compiten, tres se hallan inscriptas: LA ADOPTIVA, BIEN VESTIDA y ROYAL LANE.

    • ROYAL LANE: con un buen resultado, no logrará quedar como puntera absoluta pero, al tener ya 2 puntos, podría compartir el primer lugar con el actual puntero.
    • LA ADOPTIVA: ya cuenta con 1 punto, por lo que cualquier resultado positivo la acercara a los primeros puestos.

PRÓXIMAS ANOTACIONES: competencias del mes de Agosto.

Carrera Premio extra Fecha Anotación
Clásico Diego White (G.III) $ 8.000 Martes 12 de agosto Viernes 1/8
Clásico Jockey Club de Azul (L) $ 7.000 Jueves 14 de agosto Viernes 1/8
Clásico José Pedro Ramírez (G.III) $ 8.000 Jueves 21 de agosto Viernes 8/8
Gran Premio Selección de Potrancas (G.I) $ 12.000 Domingo 31 de agosto Viernes 15/8



Nombre Sexo Puntaje Stud Cuidador

BIGNESS EMPEROR M 8 ptos. La Claridad Yalet, A.

BUNNY EMPER H 5 ptos. Firmamento Etchechoury, J.(h)

GREAT CHAMPION M 3 ptos. Jota Ele San Millan, R.

POTRI SKY H 3 ptos. Firmamento Etchechoury, J.(h)

ROYAL LANE H 2 ptos. Rincón de Piedra San Millan,I

EL MAS ANDALUZ M 1 pto. El Retiro (Az) Pellegatta, R.

LA ADOPTIVA H 1 pto. Cumeneyen Viviani, J.

CASUAL TOM M 1 pto. Dark Horse Torres, H.

AEROSPACIAL M 1 pto. Carlín Rodriguez, E.

CAPRICHO HEI M ½ pto. Estancia Vieja Lima, J.

MORNING LIGHT H ½ pto. St. F. Ameghino Sanguinetti, C.

TOOTSY GOLD H ½ pto. Capricornio Rodriguez, E.

SALT GOLD M ½ pto. Capricornio Rodriguez, E.

BEAUTY SILVER H ½ pto. Cumeneyen Yalet, A.



El Paraíso
Los Durmientes
Haras Santa Victoria S.A.
La Quebrada
La Rubeta
Santa Victoria
10º Haras Santa Ana

                La Plata, 30 de julio de 2008

miércoles, 30 de julio de 2008

Pato, Francia superó a la Argentina 15 a 3.

Federación Argentina de Pato - www.PATO.org.ar

Buenos Aires, 29 de Julio de 2008

Francia superó a la Argentina 15 a 3.

Sobro calidad, corazón y garra pero faltaron caballos. No hizo falta ganar para que la escuadra Argentina demostrase que tiene nivel para estar entre los mejores de este mundial, sin embargo los caballos rentados en Francia para esta competencia estuvieron muy lejos del nivel requerido para un mundial. Sin duda ésto era algo que se sabía de ante mano, no traer los caballos desde Argentina era mucha ventaja y Francia terminó marcando una gran diferencia. Los galos son los favoritos y supieron aprovechar todas sus ventajas. En pocos minutos advirtieron la diferencia de arranque que tenían sus caballos y cambiaban los ritmos y la velocidad para sorprender a los argentinos que en inferioridad de condiciones trataron de defender con mucho coraje.

De arranque Argentina marcó el primer gol con una excelente jugada colectiva terminada por Facundo Taberna que marcó un golazo e hizo ilusionar a todo el público que estaba decididamente a favor de Argentina.

Los dotes de jinetes de nuestro seleccionado fueron aplaudidos por todo el estadio, que festejaba cada pase y cada levantada de los argentinos que maravillaron con sus destrezas a pesar de los caballos.

Había cierta tristeza en los rostros de los jugadores de la escuadra nacional, es que interiormente sabían que en nivel de juego Francia no era tan superior.

Este es un juego de mucha destreza y con reglas que los argentinos no están acostumbrados, sin embargo si algo hay que destacar es que demostraron su avance en la adaptación a este juego. Todavía queda mucho y Argentina mantiene viva la esperanza de pasar a los cuartos de final. Hoy -ya es Miércoles 30 de Julio en Portugal- juega ante Alemania un rival que si bien está habituado a este deporte, no es un equipo de tanta jerarquía como Francia.

Habrá que trabajar en ver cómo mejorar el rendimiento de los caballos y con el correr de los partidos seguramente la performace Argentina puede mejorar por lo demostrado en el día de ayer.

La magia de los Taberna hizo vibrar a la tribuna

Sin duda las destrezas de nuestros jugadores era algo que todos querían palpitar y el público presente no ahorró elogios y aplausos.

Las levantadas, pases de veinte metros y la agilidad arriba del caballo sorprendieron a todo el público.

El momento de mayor euforia lo marcaron Nicolás Taberna a quien se le cayó la montura y siguió montado a pelo a máxima velocidad y las cinchadas de Facundo su hermano que le quitó a los franceses varias pelotas.

El día que los ingleses alentaron a Argentina.

Salvo los franceses, todo el público estaba con Argentina, pero lo más sorprendente fue que los integrantes de los tres seleccionados ingleses presentes en la competencia, vinieron a pedir banderas argentinas al hotel para alentar a nuestro seleccionado. Algo realemente increíble.

Los Goles Argentinos

Federico Reyes, Facundo Taberna y Nicolás Taberna.

Argentina juega su segundo encuentro con Alemania el miércoles 30 a las 21:40 hs.

Emerging Equine Disease: Four Diseases/Syndromes to Watch

TheHorse.com - Lexington,KY,USA

Emerging Equine Disease: Four Diseases/Syndromes to Watch

July 29 2008, Article # 12385

In 1968, the U.S. Surgeon General proclaimed that the war on infectious diseases had been won. Unfortunately, this statement was not true. Ongoing outbreaks of disease in humans and animals worldwide have established repeatedly that the war on infectious diseases is not over. Indeed, fully one third of all human deaths worldwide are still caused by infectious diseases.

Similarly, outbreaks of infectious diseases in horses will continue to occur as surely as new diseases will appear. The challenge to the horse industry is to prepare for this reality and invest in the research needed to understand these diseases and the factors that lead to their emergence. By understanding the factors that influence the development, frequency and distribution of disease, we can develop reliable diagnostic techniques, effective therapies, and appropriate control strategies.

This Horse Report presents some background information about infectious diseases and describes three diseases that have emerged recently and that may have a significant impact on horses. A fourth noninfectious condition is also described and is referred to as a syndrome--a group of signs that characterize a previously unrecognized disease.

Discussions about infectious diseases, either in humans or animals, often make a distinction between an emerging disease and a re-emerging disease because it is an important piece of information for understanding the nature of infection. An emerging disease is defined as a previously unrecognized infection resulting from the evolution of an existing pathogen or parasite and resulting in a change in host range, vector (carrier), ability to produce disease, or strain. Viral diseases feature prominently but not exclusively among these types of diseases because of their ability to change or mutate and spread quickly. Most of the recent emerging diseases have an animal origin, and almost all of them have zoonotic potential (capable of being passed to humans). Recent examples of previously unrecognized viral diseases that have emerged in human populations include severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and avian influenza (H5N1).

A re-emerging disease is a previously known disease that makes a shift in its geographical distribution or expands its host range or significantly increases its prevalence. Once controlled and now reappearing, a re-emerging disease should be investigated to determine what factors have allowed it to reappear, such as changes in climate, nutrition, health status, law, and so forth. For example, rabies has recently been a cause for major concern in Eastern Europe, where several countries are witnessing an increased prevalence of the disease in animals, resulting in known fatal consequences for humans.

Many factors contribute to the emergence or re-emergence of diseases in horses. The major contributors are:

Human-induced changes

  • Global air travel of horses is second only to that of people. The increased sophistication and economic importance of the equine industry have resulted in an increased demand for movement of horses for sale, competition or breeding. The result is that a disease that arises in a single individual now has the possibility of being spread to horses at distant locations, whereas in the past long voyages on ships tended to exert their own quarantine/limiting effect.
  • The increasing sophistication of therapeutic drugs has created opportunities for antimicrobial resistance, hospital-acquired infectious diseases, and other ill-fated effects.

Evolution and the emergence of pathogens

  • Through the process of evolution, virulent strains of a particular microbe have evolved from a weaker ancestor. Microbial evolution is complex and scientists are just beginning to define it and the selective pressures that drive the process.
  • The emergence of previously undescribed microbes. Some of these arise in one species and cause disease only when they are transmitted to a more susceptible host--for example, SARS and Hendra.

Ecological changes

  • Climate change has had an impact on the spread and distribution of insect-transmitted diseases. The spread of insect carriers such as ticks and mosquitoes poses a significant risk of introducing foreign diseases. For example, the Asian tiger mosquito (Stegomyia albopicta) is a very aggressive feeder and now constitutes an important potential vector of diseases like West Nile encephalomyelitis and Dengue in the United States since it was introduced in 1985.
  • Other environmental changes such as increased use of water resources, environmental pollution, disruption and alteration of native flora and fauna, and blurring of the urban/rural interface all create opportunities for the emergence of new infectious agents.

By considering all the above factors, researchers can begin to understand the epidemiology and development of many diseases of concern and develop the diagnostic technologies for detecting each one, as well as effective prevention and/or therapeutic strategies for their control.

Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus is a family of bacteria that can cause a wide variety of diseases in humans and animals. One disease-causing species is Staphylococcus aureus, which can infect wounds. These bacteria can survive on dry surfaces, thereby increasing the chance of transmission. Any S. aureus infection can cause staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, a reaction of the skin to exotoxins (proteins excreted by the bacteria that are harmful to the host) absorbed into the bloodstream. It can also cause septicemia (bacteria in the bloodstream), which can be life-threatening.

Methicillin is an antibiotic that was first introduced in human medicine in the 1950s for treating penicillin-resistant staphylococci. Within a few years, methicillin-resistant isolates of Staphylococcus aureus were identified. Since then, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, has emerged as an important problem in human medicine, especially in the hospital setting. Since the 1990s, MRSA has become an increasing concern in people who have not been hospitalized or had invasive procedures.

More recently, MRSA has become a concern in veterinary medicine. S. aureus is not a common bacterial species in animals, and the importance of MRSA in veterinary medicine is not well established. There are also concerns about MRSA as a possible zoonosis (a disease transmitted between animals and humans). Both human-to-animal and animal-to-human transmission are known to be possible, but it has not yet been determined whether animals are an important primary source of MRSA infections for humans, or if most animals are colonized after contact with human carriers.

As in humans, animals can be colonized for variable periods of time without developing clinical signs (asymptomatic carriers). Most horses only carry the microbe for 2 to 4 weeks, although approximately 5% will carry it longer (9 months or more). The most common site of carriage in horses is the nasal passages, although they can carry it on skin or in their gastrointestinal tract. Carrier horses are at greater risk than noncarriers for developing infections at catheter sites, in wounds, or in surgical incisions.

Recently, a horse was brought to the UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (VMTH) for treatment of a surgical wound (surgery performed elsewhere) that had cultured positive for MRSA. This mare had had a skin mass removed from her mammary gland and had subsequently developed a purulent discharge from the surgical wound. She was referred to the VMTH due to concerns at her home stables over quarantine and spread of MRSA.

At the VMTH, another wound culture was performed as well as a nasal swab. Both were positive for MRSA. The horse was otherwise in good systemic health, and all vital parameters were within normal limits. Because previous treatment with antibiotics was ineffective, it was discontinued and an aggressive wound-cleaning regime with dilute chlorhexidine was undertaken. The infection dissipated and the wound healed. Subsequent wound cultures and nasal swabs taken 6 weeks later were both negative for MRSA.

The Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital has an aggressive infection control program in place for prevention of infections. It also allows rapid recognition and isolation of cases if clinical infection does occur. Every horse is treated as a potential carrier of MRSA. The program emphasizes the use of gloves to handle all patients as well as hand washing after handling every patient.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it is well-documented that the most important measure for preventing the spread of pathogens is hand-washing. This is certainly true for preventing the transmission of MRSA. In addition, the use of disposable gloves reduces skin-to-skin contact and therefore further reduces the risk of transmission.

If your horse has been identified with MRSA, either as a carrier or with an active infection:

  • It should be isolated to prevent transmission to other animals or humans.
  • It should be kept in a stall where it has no nose-to-nose contact with other horses.
  • Only a small number of people should handle the horse (no children, elderly, immunocompromised, or people with wounds or incisions).
  • Horse handlers should wash hands thoroughly and/or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer to disinfect hands afterward.

If your horse has an incisional infection or wound that requires cleaning, used bandages and disposables used for cleaning should be discarded in a plastic bag containing a small amount of disinfectant such as dilute bleach, betadine, or nolvasan.

If there is a risk of body fluid spillage from the cleaning process, contact your veterinarian for assistance with the process and recommendations on how to do this safely.

To ascertain that your horse has cleared a carrier state of infection, it should have two negative cultures of the nasal passages and the wound or incision taken by your veterinarian. For more information on MRSA, Gary Magdesian, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM, infection control officer, can be reached by calling the VMTH at 530/752-0290.

African Horse Sickness

Scientists have been predicting that insect-borne diseases would move north as global warming takes hold. They have predicted since at least 2002 that bluetongue virus could invade northern Europe and Britain. Those predictions have now come true. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, transboundary animal diseases that were originally confined to tropical countries are on the rise around the globe. They do not spare temperate zones including Europe, the United States and Australia. The arrival of bluetongue virus in the United Kingdom and the movement of West Nile virus throughout the United States are prime examples. Bluetongue virus was first discovered in South Africa. Since the summer of 2006, the virus has been found in Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the north of France, and most recently the United Kingdom, Denmark, the Czech Republic and Switzerland. West Nile virus first appeared in the United States in 1999 and rapidly made its way from the east coast to the west coast.

Eye of horse affected by AHS

The cardiac form of African horse sickness is characterized by fever followed by swelling of the head and eyes, inability to swallow, and bleeding in the membranes of the mouth and eyes.

It is conceivable that African horse sickness (AHS) might soon follow. AHS is a devastating insect-transmitted viral disease of horses that is endemic to sub-Saharan Africa and occurs extensively throughout much of South Africa. One form of AHS (lung form) is characterized by very high fever, difficulty breathing, frothy discharge from the nose, and sudden onset of death. The mortality rate with this form is about 90%. Another form (cardiac form) is characterized by fever followed by swelling of the head and eyes, inability to swallow, bleeding in the membranes of the mouth and eyes, and a slower onset of death occurring 4 to 8 days after the onset of fever. The mortality rate with this form has been estimated at 50%.

Because of its devastating effects, AHS is on the list of economically important equine diseases worldwide and is required to be reported to local and international officials (including the OIE, the animal equivalent of the World Health Organization).

Outbreaks of AHS have occurred regularly in southern Africa since horses were introduced to the region several centuries ago. Some of these outbreaks have resulted in devastating losses. Periodically, AHS has occurred in North Africa, the Mediterranean Basin, and the Middle East. The most notable recent incursion was into Spain in the late 1980s, an outbreak that severely complicated planning for the equestrian events at the 1992 Summer Olympic Games in Barcelona.

African horse sickness is transmitted by the blood-sucking insect Culicoides (a small fly), so the disease occurs only where competent vector insects are present. It is otherwise not contagious. Culicoides insects are abundant on all continents except Antarctica, but to date just two of the 1,300+ species of these insects have proven to be competent vectors of AHS virus. However, other closely related Culicoides-transmitted viruses such as bluetongue virus have recently expanded their ranges in both Europe and North America, perhaps as a result of climate change. Furthermore, the emergence and spread of bluetongue virus in Europe is associated with Culicoides species that had not previously been incriminated as vectors of the virus. Thus, there is considerable concern that AHS virus might soon follow the path that has been blazed by bluetongue virus into Europe and beyond. An incursion of AHS similar to that caused by bluetongue virus would be catastrophic to the global horse industry.

The onset of AHS can occur very suddenly in a form that is intense and severe to the point of widespread lethality in susceptible horses. AHS can also manifest as a mild or even inapparent infection. In populations of horses who have never been exposed to AHS, such as those in North America and Europe, explosive outbreaks of highly fatal disease characterized by spectacular vascular and respiratory failure would be expected, with mortality of up to 95% of infected horses. Severely affected horses can die suddenly with few lesions, whereas those that survive even a short time typically have severe subcutaneous and lung edema.

Given the severity of AHS and the explosive nature of outbreaks coupled with the lack of any effective therapy, even today, considerable effort has been expended to develop AHS vaccines. These have included inactivated and live-attenuated vaccines. The live-attenuated vaccine is used in regions of Africa where AHS is endemic, but well-vaccinated horses still die from the disease and the vaccine itself can sometimes cause the disease. Thus, it is not 100% effective and has certain inherent disadvantages that would likely preclude its use outside of Africa.

Efforts to develop an effective recombinant AHS vaccine have been accelerated by recent expansions in the distribution of competent Culicoides insect vectors in Europe. It is critical that studies be undertaken to determine the ability of Culicoides insects throughout the world to serve as vectors of AHS virus, and what impact recent changes in global climate might have on the vectorial capacity of individual insect species.

Recombinant vaccines are vaccines in which genes for desired antigens are inserted into a vector, usually a virus, that has a very low virulence. The vector expressing the antigen may be used as the vaccine, or the antigen may be purified and injected as a subunit vaccine. Advantages of recombinant vaccines are that the vector can be chosen to be not only safe but also easy to grow and store, reducing production cost. Disadvantages of recombinant vaccines are their cost to develop, since the genes for the desired antigens must be located, cloned, and expressed efficiently in the new vector.

There is also an urgent need for research to better understand how the AHS virus causes injury to the blood vessels so that improved therapeutic strategies can be developed to treat affected horses.

The increased mobility of viruses and their carriers is a new threat that countries and the international community should take seriously. Early detection of viruses together with surveillance and control measures such as new vaccines are needed as effective defense measures.

The Equine Viral Disease Laboratory at UC Davis, under the direction of Jim MacLachlan, DVM, PhD, participates in the international effort to develop better diagnostic technology to identify, monitor and control diseases like African horse sickness as well as improved vaccines to prevent them. Research studies focus on the development of new diagnostic and vaccine technologies, definition of the epidemiology and pathogenesis of important viral diseases of the horse, and the recognition of new and emerging viral diseases of the horse. The Equine Viral Disease Laboratory recently developed a recombinant vaccine against bluetongue virus and is using the same approach to develop a more effective vaccine against African horse sickness.

For more information on African horse sickness or to help support the research on developing a vaccine for African horse sickness, contact MacLachlan at njmaclachlan@ucdavis.edu.

Equine Multinodular Pulmonary Fibrosis

Generalized lung diseases in horses that cause fibrosis (the formation of excess fibrous connective tissue in an organ or tissue as a reparative or reactive process) and severely impaired respiratory function are devastating for the affected horse. They are also frustrating and heartbreaking for the practitioner and owner because the cause is usually difficult to determine and treatment options are few and of limited success. Horses with progressive fibrotic lung disease are typically in respiratory distress of varying degree, with increased respiratory rates, abnormal lung sounds and signs of effort such as flared nostrils. Horses are often presented to the veterinarian because of weight loss, fever, coughing, increased respiratory and heart rate, and nasal discharge. Diagnostic workup of affected horses routinely involves blood work, chest radiographs and ultrasound, pulmonary fluid analysis, and lung biopsy.

A variety of toxins, cellular infiltrations, infectious agents, and inhaled foreign particles such as silica have been implicated as causes of lung disease of this type, but determination of the cause is often elusive--despite detailed examinations such as lung biopsy or analysis of lower airway fluid samples.

Recently, a research group at Michigan State University reported that a subset of fibrotic lung disease in horses was associated with equid herpesvirus-5 (EHV-5) infection. They termed the disease equine multinodular pulmonary fibrosis (EMPF) and it commonly affects horses in their mid-teens with no breed or gender predisposition. The researchers segregated horses with fibrotic lung disease into distinct groups based on post- mortem gross and microscopic examination of their lungs. EHV-5 was detected by molecular methods, and herpesvirus-like particles visualized by electron microscopy, in the lung tissue of one of these groups significantly more frequently than the rest. This finding suggests that EHV-5 could play a role in the development of the disease in these horses.

EHV-5, as well as its close cousin EHV-2, is in the gammaherpesvirus family, which distinguishes it from better-known equid alphaherpesviruses such as EHV-1, an important cause of abortion and neurologic disease. Like all herpesviruses, EHV-5 is characterized by its ability to establish latent, life-long infections. Based on research done on foals born at the Center for Equine Health by Stephanie Bell, DVM, it appears that EHV-5 infection of horses is very common, and that the majority of infections occur during the first 6 months of life. Up to approximately 80% of California horses are infected with EHV-5. The virus has also been identified in horses in New Zealand, Australia, and Europe.

Prior to the description of its association with fibrotic lung disease, EHV-5 had not been associated with a disease entity in horses. While the causal relationship between EHV-5 and EMPF has certainly not been proven, its frequent detection in the lung tissue of horses with EMPF as compared with that of control horses suggests that EHV-5 plays a role in this disease. What is not clear is why a common virus such as EHV-5 would cause disease in only a relatively small proportion of the horses that it infects. Factors that influence the development of lung pathology in only certain horses could include differences in individual horse's immune systems, variations in virus strains, and the infecting dose.

Horses with fibrotic lung disease of any type are typically treated supportively with anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics if secondary bacterial infection is suspected. The response to treatment is variable and depends on the severity of the disease. Horses that develop pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure) and right ventricular dilation (heart failure) have a less favorable outcome.

Based on the association with EHV-5, treatment of horses with EMPF with antiviral drugs could be considered, and research into this possibility is currently being undertaken in the Equine Viral Disease Laboratory by Bell and her colleagues at UC Davis. Currently, the prognosis for horses with EMPF is guarded. Our goal is that future discoveries regarding the pathogenesis of the disease will shed light on prevention and treatment options.

Bone Fragility Syndrome

Unlike the previous three emerging diseases that were just described, bone fragility syndrome (BFS) is not an infectious disease but a progressive, debilitating, and ultimately fatal bone disease recognized recently in horses in California. The disease affects bones of the upper portion of the limbs (e.g., scapula or shoulders, pelvis), ribs and vertebral spine. Horses that are mildly affected with BFS appear to have an intermittent lameness without an identifiable cause. The lameness may affect one leg, several legs, or different legs at different times. When multiple legs and/or the spine are affected, horses can appear to have a generalized stiffness and reluctance to move. As the disease progresses, bones of the spine and upper portions of the front and hind legs become weak. Over the course of months to years, the bones deform and sustain incomplete bone fractures that attempt to heal. Ultimately, a fracture may be severe enough to cause death or necessitate humane euthanasia.

Horse with bone fragility syndrome

Horses with advanced stages of bone fragility syndrome usually have a marked swayback that is characteristic of the disease.

Horses that are severely affected with BFS can be recognized by skeletal deformities. The scapula (shoulder region) begins to bow outwardly. This usually starts with one shoulder bowing initially, but often both shoulders are eventually affected. The back becomes markedly swaybacked in a relatively short period of time. The neck becomes stiff so that it is difficult to turn the head or eat off the ground.

Diagnosis of bone fragility syndrome is confirmed by bone scans. The results of routine blood tests are usually normal. Radiographs of the legs are generally not helpful in disease diagnosis because the bones in the lower part of the limbs are minimally affected. Good quality radiographs of the lower cervical vertebrae in the base of the neck may be useful for detection of bone changes in moderately to severely affected horses. Ultrasound examination of the scapula may demonstrate thickening of the scapular spine or evidence of fracture. Bone scans are highly useful for determining the extent of the disease. Unfortunately, they are available only at university and specialty equine practices because they require expensive, specialized equipment.

Affected horses might have concurrent pulmonary disease. Many horses with bone fragility syndrome have lung inflammation associated with inhalation of cristobalite, a type of silicate crystal found in the soils of some geographic regions. Horses with moderate to severe lung disease require extra effort to breathe. These horses may have an elevated breathing rate during rest, accentuated muscles in the chest and abdomen due to increased muscular effort to breathe, and flaring of the nostrils in an effort to obtain more air.

There is no known effective treatment for bone fragility syndrome. Vets at UCDavis have used a variety of medications to reduce pain and inflammation with limited success. Most horses respond for a period of time to treatment but eventually worsen. Although bisphosphonate medications can potentially retard the bone loss that occurs with disease progression, no studies have been conducted to determine actual efficacy.

The cause of bone fragility syndrome is unknown. Because known affected horses often have both pulmonary disease and bone disease, there is circumstantial evidence that both diseases share a common cause. However, there is as yet no direct evidence for a relationship between pulmonary disease and bone fragility syndrome.

Researchers in the JD Wheat Veterinary Orthopedic Research Laboratory at UC Davis are currently conducting studies to improve our understanding of bone fragility syndrome. One of their immediate goals is to identify the geographic locations of affected horses to determine whether there is any evidence for potential risk factors and causes of the disease. If there is evidence to indicate that there are risk factors, they would then develop recommendations for decreasing the risk or preventing the disease. Another immediate goal is to develop a practical, affordable test for diagnosing the disease. To this end, they are exploring blood tests that may be useful for detecting the high bone turnover evident in the affected horses seen to date. The overall goal is to determine the causes, risk factors, and development of equine bone fragility syndrome so that management strategies can be developed for treatment and prevention.

If you think you have a horse that might be affected with bone fragility syndrome, please contact Mandy Murray, DVM, via e-mail at almurray@ucdavis.edu or Susan Stover, DVM, PhD, at smstover@ucdavis.edu.

Excerpt from The Horse Report, Vol. 26, No. 3, July 2008, Center for Equine Health, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis. For more information and articles see www.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/ceh.

Calendario de fiestas hípicas.

El Eco de Tandil - Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Fiestas patrias

Señor Director:

La siguiente es una carta remitida al director del Hipódromo de Tandil y que expresa textualmente:
“Tengo el agrado de dirigirme a usted solicitándole incorpore un calendario de fiestas hípicas del Tandil, a desarrollarse en distintos circuitos del partido de Tandil, al igual que en Ayacucho, Balcarce, Lobería, Necochea, Benito Juárez, Azul y Rauch.
Estas fiestas hípicas podrían contener cada una de ellas 10 días y deberían desarrollarse finalizando una semana antes de cada celebración, como podrían ser:
10 días antes y después del 25 de Mayo de cada año, del 9 de Julio, del 12 de Octubre y el 11 de Noviembre, Día de Ceferino.
Estos festejos y participaciones de escuelas provinciales y municipales de Tandil y todos los partidos vecinos, organizada por comisiones a crearse en cada localidad y dependiendo de cada intendencia municipal y en ellas podrían participar: organizaciones benéficas de cada localidad, clubes deportivos y sociales, Rotary, Leones, Planeadores, carreras cuadreras y muchos más.
Lo importante es que las fiestas patrias, de Ceferino, de los grupos militares de caballería y tantos otros de gauchos y regionales y de inmigrantes puedan y deban celebrarse, para que no pasen al olvido.
Deseándole éxito en la realización de estos programas y su continuidad para mantener siempre activa la memoria de nuestros próceres, me complazco en saludarle muy atentamente.

Emilio Mármol Gagey

Horse Breeding Fund Gives $35,000 to Harness Museum

ReadMedia (press release) - Albany,NY,USA

AG & NYS Horse Breeding Fund Gives $35,000 to Harness Museum

Grant Monies to Support Equine Educational Programs for School Children

ALBANY, NY (07/28/2008; 1353)(readMedia)-- Peter Goold, executive director of the Agriculture & New York State Horse Breeding Development Fund (the Fund) today announced the Fund has provided $35,000 in funding for the Harness Racing Museum in Goshen, NY. The Museum will use the funding to help provide equine education programs to school children.

"We are happy to provide this grant to the Harness Racing Museum," Goold said. "Its equine education program provides a fun, quality learning experience for children. Fostering young people's interest in the equine industry is essential to perpetuating the standardbred breeding and racing industries in New York State and the Museum's educational programs are a vital aspect of this endeavour."

The Agriculture and New York State Horse Breeding Development Fund is a public benefit corporation established in 1965 by the Laverne Law. The mission of the Fund is to promote agriculture through advocating the breeding of standardbred horses and the conduct of equine research within the State. To carry out its legislative mission, the Fund administers the New York Sire Stakes Racing Program and provides grants to county agriculture societies and select equine education and research programs.

New York has a $1.4 billion equine industry, which protects nearly one million acres of farmland and provides more than 12,500 jobs annually. Specifically, the harness and standardbred breeding industries in New York contribute approximately $125 million to the state's economy each year and provide an estimated 1500 jobs. Ensuring that young New Yorkers continue to have interest in our state's equine indusrty is crucial to ensuring the industry's viablitity in future years.

Harness Racing Museum president, Elbridge T. Gerry Jr., in acknowledging the grant, remarked, "We are deeply grateful for the enthusiastic endorsement of our educational programming by the Fund's trustees. Our efforts on behalf of the sport of harness racing, to engage the interest of people of all ages, especially the youth of New York State, will be greatly enhanced by this significant funding support."

The Harness Racing Museum is an invaulable resource in helping to perpetuate the Fund's mission.

Each year approximately 5,000 children benefit from the Harness Racing Museum's equine education programs. The programs are certified by the New York State Education Department and meet learning model standards.

Programs are tailored by grade level and class needs. Programs include:

The recently introduced program "Own Your Own Standardbred Horse" is popular with older students. Encompassing three NYS learning standards, Social Studies, English and Mathematics, students in grades five through ten learn how to determine a budget, purchase a horse at auction, form a syndicate, retain a trainer, pay expenses, and reap the rewards of owning a Standardbred horse.

"Through the Eyes of Currier and Ives," an art program for children grades one through six. The program brings the children back in time to the 1800's where they study the work of the famous printmakers, especially lithographs featuring trotting horses, and learn about life in the 19th century.

"Why we are Friends," a social studies program about horses for children grades k-2. Through comparison studies, students learn the basic needs and wants of horses and explore the similarities and differences to human families.

"Hambletonian's Birthday," a local history program for children grads three through five. Students learn about the legendary horse while dressing up as historical figures and participating in a play. The program explores social, historical and cultural aspects of American History.

"The History of Transportation," a program for children grades two through six. This hands-on program teaches children about the invention of the wheel, early transportation and how the horse has played a role in travel.

"The Holiday Program," a winter celebration for children grades pre-k through three. Held from November through January, this program teaches children about winter life in the 19th century. Here the children experience a real-life open-horse sleigh and craft making.

ORC To Examine Use Of The Whip

Standardbred Canada - Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

July 28, 2008

In response to calls from the horse racing community, an industry initiative to explore the use of the whip in Ontario horse racing was announced today by John Blakney, Executive Director of the Ontario Racing Commission (ORC).

Representatives of the industry will be brought together to a special working session in early September to assess current practice, policy and rules to determine what improvements need to be made.

Representatives of the horse racing community will include current and retired jockeys and drivers, horse people associations, racetracks, animal welfare agencies and the equine veterinarian community.

Statistical information on the use of the whip in Ontario, as well as actual race video, will be reviewed to better understand what is considered to be appropriate and inappropriate use in 2008. The experience and practices of other racing jurisdictions around the world will also be presented.

Historically, whips have played an intricate role in horse training and horse racing. Its use has evolved as a training and control tool to protect the safety of both horses and participants, and a tool for encouraging performance during a race. The horse racing community's varying degrees of opinion on the subject of whip use and specific recent requests for change to the rules by some Standardbred racetracks have led to this industry collaboration.

Within the framework of social responsibility and concern for the welfare of the horse, the ORC believes that this close examination of the degree of acceptability of the practice may lead to changes, including new rules and levels of enforcement.


Racing starting to clean up its act

Kentucky.com - Lexington,KY,USA

Maryjean Wall was one of the first female reporters to cover racing full time.
Maryjean Wall was one of the first female reporters to cover racing full time.

Someone who is not involved in horse racing asked me recently whether the sport had ever ”straightened out its problems.“ With that jewel of summertime racing, Saratoga, now up and running this seems a good time to take stock.

Since Kentucky Derby day, May 3, we have heard renewed outcries against the use of jockeys' whips, of steroids, of questionable shoeing, of the Thoroughbred breed manipulated to produce speed over soundness, of racing fillies against colts and of that one controversy that never goes away, the racing of 2-year-olds.

People of the 19th century debated the racing of 2-year-olds. Racehorses received drugs and potions back then, just as they do now. In 1900, a racing magazine decried the practice of ”hopping“ horses and reported that even the major stables were giving their horses dope. Sound familiar?

Many now believe that racing will be unable to clean up its act because it lacks a national office or czar. The Jockey Club, which outsiders mistakenly believe runs the sport, was stripped of its last ounce of real power during the 1950s by a court judgment brought by a gambler after The Jockey Club denied him a racing license in New York.

All the same, The Jockey Club has taken many initiatives and was ahead of the latest outcry over track injuries when it began almost a year ago tracking injuries to try to learn why they occur. This will be an invaluable database at it evolves.

Racing needs to realize that society's notions about the treatment of animals have changed radically, even over the past decade. People no longer overlook the whipping of horses or the revelations that the latest Kentucky Derby winner raced on steroids.

Where I see the most realistic movement toward change is at the opposite end of all the hand-wringing taking place over the absence of national leadership in this sport. The most encouraging development is the groundswell of individual racetracks, sales companies and state racing commissions taking leadership into their own hands.

Some are moving to outlaw steroids in their states. Some racetracks have enacted ”house rules“ banning the types of shoes that the sport has known for some years were conducive to breakdowns. The research data on ”toe grabs,“ or cleats, on shoes was out there. Unfortunately, until pushed, racing seemed to lack the will to act.

So, if we're taking stock, I see positive changes evolving. It took public outcry to get the momentum going, but at least there is momentum. The public has said, ”enough.“ Now it's up to racing to take back control of the sport — and I think we're beginning to see that happen.

Maryjean Wall blogs about racing's more uplifting stories at Maryjeanwall.com.

Racing Industry Commentary: Long Term Care

TheHorse.com - Lexington, KY, USA

July 27 2008, Article # 12375

On Derby Day 2008 shock waves traveled through the Thoroughbred world. A talented filly named Eight Belles finished second in the Kentucky Derby but after the finish, the filly stumbled and was euthanized on the track in front of more than 100,000 fans and millions watching on TV. We knew we had to address a problem that has been with us for quite some time. We examined our tracks, drug policies, breeding concepts, and many other things we took for granted.

When are we going to wake up to another very public problem: What happens to racehorses when they finish their racing careers.

There have been laws passed recently that have reduced the number of horses going to slaughter. Additionally, we are seeing the costs of caring for horses, including feed, transportation, hay, and straw, skyrocket. This has translated to more abandoned horses. According to the United States Department of Agriculture data, there are approximately 100,000 unwanted horses in the U.S. each year, a major problem and potential public relations nightmare. The time is now to address it.

Thoroughbred Charities of America (TCA) supports about 200 of the groups that care for unwanted horses. We have seen the increase in the number of horses these groups must care for and the increasing costs and the lack of funding for them. I've heard many stories about horses being turned loose on highways and other horror stories for lack of funding. For the Thoroughbred industry to turn a blind eye to this problem will only result in another jolt, probably much worse from an industry viewpoint, than even the Eight Belles tragedy. How do we avoid this and do the right thing before we have People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and others demonstrating and asserting that we are inhumane and uncaring about our horses? How do we avoid having the government step in to regulate?

The answer is we must make owners responsible for the welfare of their horses, both during their racing careers and also when those careers end. If we agree owner responsibility is needed, the question is, "How do we get owners to be responsible?" Education of new owners is a necessity. When a person decides that he would like to participate in the excitement of racing, he should be educated to the reality that after racing the horse must be provided for.

Yet education alone will still not cure the problem. We must find a way to raise a steady and reliable source of money for the care of horses after their racing careers. Having been a founder and president of TCA and having raised in excess of $16 million over 18 years, I fully understand how difficult it is to raise money voluntarily. To depend on voluntary individual donations would be futile.

There is a very logical and simple way to raise money for this purpose. When owners register their foals The Jockey Club requires a registration form to be filed with payment of $200. Why can't we add $50 to provide for care of the foal for life? This would be similar to a Social Security program for horses.

There are approximately 40,000 Thoroughbreds registered each year. At $50 each the total amount assessed annually would be $2 million. This would go a long way to providing a decent life for all Thoroughbreds after their racing careers. A Social Security system is the most feasible way to help, and The Jockey Club is the most logical agent for this project.

When I proposed this a number of years ago to The Jockey Club, I was told that it would be a burden on owners and there would be strong resistance. The Jockey Club would not implement the assessment, because, I was told, even if they collected the money they would not have the mechanism to distribute the funds. My answer to this is simple. TCA has a comprehensive file on all rescue organizations and would help in the distribution of funds. If an owner cannot afford $50 when registering a foal, then that person has no business being an owner. For the welfare of our industry and the welfare of our horses, this assessment is necessary and reasonable.

Herb Moelis is the president of Thoroughbred Charities of America

(Originally published at BloodHorse.com.)

Caballos y Opinion. Video News


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